Carnavale Venice
In the summer of 1984 Alain Burger my photo agent in Paris and I went to Rome for an assignment to cover the Night people of Rome. This was a story that I had presented to Andy Warhol's Interview Magazine as a continuing travelogue that I had been doing for them throughout Europe. I took my large 4x5 Linhof Camera as my weapon of choice and away we went...
I was fortunate enough to have met a wonderful person Massimino Semprebene while there who basically gave me the keys to the city. He was a protégé of Federico Fellini and had access to all the artist, Socialites and young Actors from Cine Citta. Through Massimino, I met many of the noble families of Rome both old and young. I photographed them in their homes, hotels, Ateliers and in Cine Citta as well. Notables were Marina Lante Della Rovere and her daughter Lucretzia, Prince Urbano Barberini and Princess Ines Torlonia who invited me to come to Venice the following season to experience the Balls and festivities of Carnavale. Interview Magazine was ecstatic at the prospect and I of Course accepted Ines's invitation.
Alain Burger again accompanied me as well as Katherine Milan my assistant and Lindy King a notable hair and makeup artist. We arrived and got to work.
Ines Torlonia and Marina Lante Della Rovere were great hostesses and arranged for me to attend all the Balls of the Season. The Paris Opera Ballet, complete with Nureyev presented a gala performance at Teatro La Fenice and the La Fenice Ball. The Cat and Mouse ball was of special interest as the proceeds from the Ball paid for the upkeep of all the cats of Venice of which there are many. The Enrico Coveri Ball at the Palazzo Moretti was the grandest. It was like being at Cinderella's Ball. This event was (as were all the Balls) a White tie affair. I saw astonishing displays of great jewels on these grand women. Ancient Baroque pearl fantasies, Ruby extravaganzas and emeralds were in such abundance. It was a dazzling site to say the least. The host gave each guest a beautiful Cape and Mask. It was a sit-down formal dinner for over five hundred guests held it one of the biggest old Palazzos on the Grand Canal. After dinner there was a full orchestra for the adults and a quirky mod band for the younger crowd. Every notable Italian was there and quiet a few of us Americans as well.
I spent every glorious moment attending parties and "pajamas" the morning after ball breakfasts. Many of these event were given by the "local residence". I saw many of the incredible palazzos on the Grande Canal resplendent with 17th century furnishings, magnificent chandeliers and some of the most beautiful silver and Crystal that I have ever seen in my life.
I have had many wonderful moments traveling with my camera. I have to say this Carnavale was truly the most exciting and glorious experience of my life. I will always cherish this memory and I feel fortunate to be able to share these photos as a testament to this amazing event. I would also like to thank all the wonderful people who included me and contributed to this great celebration. I also thank Andy Warhol's Interview Magazine for publishing all these photographs.
Richie Williamson